July 13, 2010

Girl and Gryphon

So here we are, the finished image.

This is an image I'm really, really happy with. It was a little bumpy starting, where there were huge changes in composition which took place before those b/w images I posted. But after that, with help from roommate Dan, roommate's friend Jazz, and the all around fantastic boyfriend Cory the seas were reasonably calm and gentle for a novice.

This is, what? The fourth or fifth image where I do b/w first and leave the colour for the final round of rendering, and it's the first time where not only did it turn out good but I'm really content with it. The last image, the one of the demon, was all right b/w, but the colouring I did on that was so atrocious I can't even look at it without shame. While this picture took longer than I would have liked, the end result are more important.

1 comment:

Vinny Wong said...

COOOOLORING hates me Thea ;-;